SBS 2011 BPA reports ‘Journal Wrap’ condition

NtFrs Error ID: 13568

link to : SBS 2011 BPA reports ‘Journal Wrap’ condition


Step 1: Stop the File Replication Service

Use the service manager to stop the File Replication Service, or NET STOP NTFRS

Step 2: Set BurFlags to 0xD4

Use RegEdit to locate the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process at Startup

Edit the BURFLAGS value and set to 0xD4 (= Authoratative Restore). This will cause the FRS service to rebuild its database from existing file content and become the authoritative sync partner – even though SBS is the only sync partner, this is still necessary.

Step 3: Start the File Replication Service

Use the service manager to start the File Replication Service (NET START NTFRS).

run bpa to check if the problem gone.

Journal wrap是因为在磁盘ntfs卷进行写操作时,FRS服务未能正常运行,导致无法与ntfs journal日志同步(ntfs journal日志数据库可以记录10个操作记录,FRS未能在这10个记录前重新恢复正常,就产生了sysvol Journal wrap 错误)。我们可以运用D2(非权威复制)或D4(权威复制)修复,D2用其他DC的数据覆盖自己的。D4用自己的覆盖其他的DC数据。一般情况下应首先使用D2修复该问题,因为D4修复会花费较多的时间,并且会使域中的DC产生重启,或多或少的产生服务的中断。


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