windows 7 welcome screen take 30 secons to login
Background of desktop setting, solid color, it takes about 30 seconds to login, change to picture, only 3 seconds
My Work Diary
Background of desktop setting, solid color, it takes about 30 seconds to login, change to picture, only 3 seconds
imagex.exe needed (Waik_3 Windows 7 imageX) example: imagex /apply boot.wim 1 C:\ ———————————– Recovery of Toshiba Laptop using .SWM files Machine: Toshiba Satellite L450D-11V Problem: Faulty hard...
open Task scheduler. In the Task Scheduler Library, navigate to Microsoft\Windows\RAC. enable the option to Show Hidden Tasks, available from the View menu (View | Show... The type of error you are receiving (DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE) is often caused by third party firewall drivers. There appears to be Sunbelt drivers, such as the...
Note: This workaround is not supported by Microsoft but my understanding is that it has a 100 percent success rate. If you are nervous that performing...