In the morning last week I turned on my pc, in stead of loading windows xp, on the screen I found: my raid 0 is failed.
This raid 0 is built on intel ICH10R southbridge. Intel Matrix Storage manager report one of my hdd is non-member of raid.
I scaned the disks separately with mhdd, no problem found.
Keep searching on google(Thanks to adamsap on, I found I can reset hdd to non-member using intel bios utility. when you try to reset it, the utility warns all data will be lost, but it only metadata is lost. and can be recreated using steps below:
1. create a new array with identical settings as the broken array. It is critical that the HDDs are in the array the same order as before.
2. Get TestDisk form :
I create floppy disk, then use boot cd to run testdisk.
there are two key points:
1. testdisk is super tool.
2. reset raid0 hdds to non-member and rebuild with same identical settings.
TestDisk, Data recovery
October 21, 2011